Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trivia time!

Whoever gets the most questions right I will let them pick a musical actor or a musical or anything to do with musicals and I will post about it!
But it has to do with one of the musicals on the side of our blog!

1. Fill in the blanks, "Bed Bed I couldn't go to bed my heads to light to try to set it down! Sleep Sleep I couldn't sleep tonight not for all the jewels in the crown!" Susannah and Alexandra,

2. Who played the little girl in Mary Poppins? Karen Dotrice.

3. Marni Nixon appeared in a musical which one? (For those of you who don't know who she is, she was known as the ghost singer in Hollywood! For one example she sang for Audrey Hepburn in "My Fair Lady!") "The Sound of Music" Alexandra,

4. Fred Astair and Peter Lawford played in a musical together which one? I only had "Royal Wedding" I had forgotten about "Easter Parade" so Susannah and Alexandra both get this one,

5. I am going to describe a plot to a musical and you have to guess which one it is: This is about a young lady who isn't the sweetest person you could ever meet. She is of course in love with the leading man and she has been in more than two musicals. There is also a comedic side of the story and it's about another young lady and she was also in another musical! "Oklahoma"

6. What well known musical did Walter Plunkett design for? "Singing in the Rain" Alexandra,

7. What famous musical actress had a terrible accident happen to her before she was well known? Doris Day, Alexandra.

8. Gene Kelly and Fred Astair never danced together. True or False. False, Alexandra and Susannah,

9. What musical actress said she thought she was ugly? Judy Garland, Susannah and Alexandra,

10. There where two versions made of this movie and I love them both! The plot goes like this: a young lady is a working girl and she has two different jobs some man comes into her life and she wishes at first he HADN'T! Name the movie and for an extra point name which version I like better! "The Music Man" And I like the Shirley Jones version better.

Hope you had fun!
Alexandra won!
Comment what you would like me to post about!


  1. 1. ...not for all the jewels in the crowns!
    4. Easter Parade!
    5. Is it White Christams???
    6. Hello Dolly? or Singing in the Rain??? totally a guess!
    7. Vira Ellen???(sp)
    8. False
    9. Judy Garland
    10. Nancy goes to Rio and That Certain Age???? Just a wild guess!

    That was FUN! Do another one!

  2. Oops I mean 10. Nancy Goes to Rio and It's A Date!

  3. 1. all- jewels - crown?
    3. Sound of Music
    4. Royal Wedding
    5. Kiss me Kate?
    6.Singing in the Rain
    7.Doris Day
    9. Judy Garland
    10.In the good old summertime?
