Monday, April 12, 2010

Singing in the rain quiz!

Singin' in the rain quiz!

  1. What is the name of the movie Don and Lina make in the beginning of the film?

  2. What is the name of the "Dancing Cavlier" before they'ed changed it?

  3. Finish the line....Boy I'm sure glad you showed up, we've.......

  4. What is Comsmo's last name?

  5. What is Cosmos talking about when he says "Oh yeah, It happens to me five or six times a day!" ?
  6. Finish the line.....I can't understnad it! This car hasn't given me.....
  7. What Shakesperian person does Don say Kathy will have to wear a wig to play?
  8. Where does Don tell Kathy to drop him off when they meet for the first time?
  9. Finish the line......Meet the greatest actor in the world....
  10. What day is it when they sing Good Mornin'?


  1. 1. the roal rascle.
    2. the dueling cavlier.
    3. been looking all over for you!
    4. Brown.
    5. I don't remember that part!
    6. I don't remember that either.
    7. ??????
    8. well he says Camden and Sunset but she says Sunset and Camden! I like Sunset and Camden better!
    9. IDK!
    10. Monday?

    Sue! =D

  2. 1.Royal Rascal
    2.i don't remember!
    3.i don't rember that one ether!
    5.Waaa I don't remember!!
    6.Trouble since I bought it??
    7.didn't he say beard? and I can't REMEMBER!!!
    8.Sun set in camden!
    10.March 24!!
    Oh boy I did offal!!!

  3. OH I REMEMBER question number nine!!!
    I'de rater kiss a trantula! Oh Donny you don't mean that.
    I don't huh, Hey Joe bring me a trantula!
