Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kelly and Astaire....

I can't believe that more people voted for Fred Astaire on the poll!
Not very many people voted at all!
So I am doing this post so everyone can comment and tell me who they prefer and why!


  1. It's always been so hard for me to choose, but I just like Astaire a little better...

  2. I love both of them!
    But Gene Kelly wins hands down.
    By the way what does Hands down mean?
    Oh well I like him allot better any way! ;-D

  3. I don't know! I can't decide!
    I bet they got tired of jumping.
    Tap dancer jump a lot in photos.
    (by the way, how did Gene kelly get his scar? I already voted.)

  4. You will find out at the end of the poll!

  5. Alex said it pretty good for me!
    I think I like Fred Astaire better!
    I don't know why? And the funny thing is I used to hate Fred Astaire!
    Singin' in the rain is probably my favorite musical, and that stars Gene Kelly!!
    That is pretty hard!

  6. oh dear! Ham vs. ham!! I like both, but Gene Kelly the best. (Or should I say better :)
    He is a better actor and can do all of the rest. Great photos!!
