Monday, November 28, 2011

The Candy Man Can.......

I have always loved this song!
This is one of my favorite parts of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Bill: Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it in dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?

The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it is a sigh
Soak it in the sun
and make a strawberry lemon pie?

Children: The candyman?

Bill: The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

Willy Wonka makes
Everything he bakes
Satisfying and delicious
Talk about your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes

Who can take tomorrow
Dip it in a dream
Seperate the sorrow
And collect up all the cream?

The candyman

Children:Willy Wonka can

Bill: The candyman can cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
And the world tastes good cause the candyman thinks it should.

It seems like you ether Love this movie or you hate it because it's so weird!
Do you love or hate it?


  1. this is so funny! in the last couple of months, my homeschooling co-op has been getting ready together the play of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', and in the finale we sing this song together. i have a solo, so i've just been studying this song quite a lot : )
    it is a nice song, any way!

  2. I love that song!!!
    Good luck Holly!

  3. That is funny!
    I hope your play goes well!
    I love this movie!
    What's your solo?

  4. Hey Sarah,
    The play went really well. Every one had so much fun and the audience enjoyed it a lot : )
    My solo is the second verse of the song.
    "Who can take a rainbow...'! And the solo went ok. I think & hope I was loud enough for the audience. I didn't have a mic so...

  5. p.s. you can go and check out the photos from the play over at my blog 'Roses and Bluebells'!
