Friday, May 7, 2010

The Wizard of OZ.

Fun facts!

Judy Garland's dress and blouse were in reality not white but pale pink. True white did not photograph properly in Technicolor and made the blue of her checked dress seem too bright.

The movie's line "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." was voted as the #24 of "The 100 Greatest Movie Lines" by Premiere in 2007. "There's no place like home." was voted #11 in the same. "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." was 62.

According to lead Munchkin Jerry Maren, the "little people" on the set were paid $50 per week for a 6-day work week, while Toto received $125 per week

The song "Over the Rainbow" was ranked #1 by the American Film Institute in 2004 on the 100 Greatest Songs in American Films list.

The "tornado" was a 35-foot-long muslin stocking, spun around among miniatures of a Kansas farm and fields in a dusty atmosphere.


  1. I like the pictures Sarah!
    Todo is too, too, too cute! =)
    Good facts too!
    Sue! =D

  2. Thanks, I know he is so cute!!!

  3. I read those facts before, and I think it's awful that the dog got payed more!!!

    I thinm it's funny tha t the tornados a sock!

  4. OOPS..........I meant to say....I think it's funny!
